The Inadvertent Lid of Political Leadership: My One Regret and Heartache.
June 22, 2023Yaw Perbi
It’s been a very busy few weeks. The last one in particular was the kind that Nelson Mandela would call...

Sans Leadership–So Much to Lose, Too Much to Lose.
June 15, 2023Yaw Perbi
The following was shared as a TED-like talk to open the Made in Africa Leadership Conference by BCA Leadership on June 14...

To Compete or To Complete? That is the Question.
Dr. G. Ayorkor Korsah (née Mills-Tettey) and I shared many hearty laughs at the VIP lounge after Ashesi University’s...

Perbi Executive Leadership Education (PELÉ) Gets New Chief of Staff: Introducing Patrick Kojo Amissah.
May 30, 2023Yaw Perbi
Perbi Executive Leadership Education (PELÉ) and allied Perbi establishments heartily welcome Mr. Patrick Kojo Amissah as...

Introducing PELÉ (Perbi Executive Leadership Education).
May 24, 2023Yaw Perbi
Imagine a flourishing global ecosystem of authentic leaders characterized by healthy growth, holistic success and lasting...

Tribute to Tim of my Table ~ Timothy Keller (1950-2023).
We first met on a table near the Table Mountain; I hope we meet again, in eternity, at a wedding table on a holy mountain....